
Breakfast chinese balls recipe

cheese chinese balls

this is a traditoinal chinese recipe - one that is easy to make at home and perfect for entertaining in breakfast with whole family.I hope you and your family like my yummie recipe.

for 5 persons       preparation time: 15 min
cooking time: 15 min


one pack of bread
one katori crused carrot
one katori crused paneer
one katori crused cabbage
one katori crused cheese
two green chili choped
one table of spoon chili powder
oil 1 big katori salt to taste 


take a big bowl add paneer, cabbage, cheese  carrot , chili , red chili powder and salt. and mix well. then you cut a side part of bread. take a bowl and put water and pinch of salt then you soak bread. make small ball and stuff the mixture with water. and now you heat a pan and deep fry.this is ready to serve with sause.

                                             by priti gupta

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