
some are hot and some are not! padrón peppers: the vegetable equivalent of russian roulette!

tapas: padrón peppers
Pimientos de Padrón are tiny bright green peppers from the Galician region of Spain which look like small green peppers or even mild green chillies. And that's part of the thrill, because although they taste like mild and sweet peppers, some of them pack the heat of chillies . . . just not all of them.

It is said that one in 20 padrón peppers is a hot one. In Galicia there is a saying "Os pementos de Padrón, uns pican e outros non," which means "padrón peppers, some are hot and some are not." So try them if you dare!

Personally in 20 years of eating them I have never ever had a hot one. Hmmmn. I don't think it is because I lack sensitivity to chilli heat (heaven forbid!), but I suspect that more likely it is that all the ones I have eaten were grown earlier in the season (in June and July) when they are milder, containing less capsaicin, than the ones grown in August and September.

Padrón peppers are served as part of a classic tapas tentempiés (or snacks or nibbles), which are merely fried with a little olive oil and sprinkled with coarse salt. Some might add garlic or a little Spanish Serrano ham. I like mine simply done.

tapas: padrón peppers
The sunshine is glorious at the moment. There are thousands of Brits who are wondering why on earth they had booked holidays in the Mediterranean, when we have it on our own doorstep. It is seriously hot, which is why tempting tapas nibbles are perfect right now. 

This dish is quick and easy to make, delicious to eat. If you are wondering how to eat them, just pick them up by their twisty stems and bite down!

And should you be fretting about how you can lay your hands on some of these little green gems, fret not.All the major UK supermarkets seem to be selling them, I bought mine in Sainsburys. Honest.

Serves: 4
Skill level: Easy

about 150-200g Padrón peppers
3 tbsp olive oil
sea salt

  1. Heat the olive oil in a large frying pan. When the oil reaches shimmering point, and then add the peppers.
  2. Stir the peppers until they are lightly browned and slightly blistered.
  3. Sprinkle over a little sea salt and enjoy. A glass of crisp white wine wouldn't go amiss either.

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